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Juno Beach Quick Facts

1.1 million Canadians served in WW II, including 106,000 in the Royal Canadian Navy and 200,000 in the Royal Canadian Air Force
- 42,042 killed
- 54,414 wounded

14,000 Canadians landed on D-Day
450 jumped by parachute or landed by glider
10,000 sailors of the RCN were involved
- 340 killed
- 574 wounded
- 47 taken prisoner

The Royal Canadian Navy provided 109 vessels, and 10,000 sailors as its contribution to the massive armada of 7,000 Allied vessels which put to sea on D-Day.

3rd Canadian Division landed at Juno Beach, led by the 7th Brigade, 8th Brigade, 6th Armoured Regiment and 10th Armoured Regiment.

The beach was fronted by the small villages of Courseulles-sur-Mer, Bernières and St. Aubin.

Canadian Objectives: To establish a beachhead, capture the three small seaside towns, advance ten miles inland, cut the Caen -Bayeux highway, seize the Carpiquet airport west of Caen, and form a link between the British beachheads Sword and Gold.

3rd Canadian Division progressed further inland than any of the Allies on D-Day.

During the first six days of the Normandy campaign, 1,017 Canadians died.

By the end of the Normandy campaign, about 5,020 Canadians had been killed. About 5,400 Canadians are buried in Normandy.

In the two and a half months of the Normandy campaign, Allied casualities (killed, wounded and captured) totalled 210,000.

Canadian casualties totalled more than 18,000, including more than 5,000 dead. German casualties were 450,000.

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